Playing out of a tough bunker. Action shot of a mature man playing a shot from a sand bunker

Embrace Failure

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

“Failure is success in progress.” – Albert Einstein

In 2023 I set a goal for myself, to re-invent my golf swing and break 90. After selecting a golf instructor whose teaching style and philosophy appealed to me, watching countless (who am I kidding, 73) hours of videos and standing in front of a mirror with a golf club ‘practicing’, I was ready for the range. It was already June, and I hadn’t hit a golf ball.

My practice objectives were to make solid contact and minimize dispersion with zero defects. When I hit ‘em good I was very very good, but when I was bad, I was awful.

I struggled to break 100 until one day everything clicked, and I shot an 84. I thought I would never shoot in the 100s ever again.

In less than one week the golf gods had their way with me and blessed me with a 112.

I went to the range and doubled my work sessions. My results were getting worse. I started working with a physical therapist to work on my core and saw dramatic improvements.

And then it happened.

In December, I went to the range brimming with confidence and proceeded to shank an entire bucket of balls.

I couldn’t sleep. I went back to the videos; took my club and went back to the mirror. Determined not to close out 2023 in defeat, I tapped into my chemistry training, decomposed my results, and endeavored to become an expert on the shank. After 3 days of intensive study, I formulated a hypothesis.

To the range! And the moment of truth.

I drove to my usual establishment only to find it closed due to excessive flooding. Undaunted I drove an extra 30 minutes as I had to know if my theory was right. I hit an entire bucket without a miss, a first for me.

My entire golfing career is nothing to write home about. But for the first time, I feel as though I am more aware of my golf swing. Through failure, I understand what success looks like. Instead of being fearful of 2024, I am now optimistic.