My friend’s daughter is taking a programming boot camp class. If you have never taken a computer science course before, the concepts are new, complex, and challenging. Every so often I try to help.
Today’s topic was on the object-oriented programming concept of classes. Most people don’t get it on the first try. My friend’s daughter, who that day was feeling a trifle under the weather, didn’t get it all either. To her credit, she got a lot! I told her she put in a good day’s work; go get some rest, review the materials, and when she had a chance to recover, we would pick it up tomorrow.
That was around 9 PM.
At 10 PM I get a text, “IDK why you think I accomplished so much, but this isn’t clicking and I’m getting really annoyed. I think I am going to quit!”.
Here is how I replied.
You and I look at the world differently.
I remember when we both went to see the movie Godzilla. We both thought the movie was an 8.2 out of 10.0. I gave you the reasons why I scored an 8.2; you gave me reasons why the movie wasn’t a 10. It’s a question of attitude and perspective.
Building up is motivating; tearing down is destructive.
When pursuing a goal, I believe you must focus on your accomplishments, celebrate your victories, keep your eye on the prize, and get up when you get knocked down. When I focus too much on just the goal, all I see is disappointment and frustration.
I see you as taking steps forward and you see yourself stumbling and falling. It’s a question of attitude. If a goal is worth the effort, you will rise to the challenge, if not you will succumb to it. The choice is yours.