Easy recall of a memory does not make it more truthful or more accurate. How much money might your belief systems be costing you? Learn more… Want to learn more about how your behaviors may be impeding your financial success? Click here to take a brief 5 minute questionnaire. Upon completion, the results will be immediately emailed to you.
Video: How much are your behaviors costing you?
If you tend to accept an opinion of an expert simply because you agree with their conclusion, you have belief bias. Left unchecked, you are undermining your financial success by filtering out information that conflicts with your core beliefs and accepting faulty logic as truth. Learn more… Want to learn more about how your behaviors may be impeding your financial success? Click here to take a brief 5 minute questionnaire. Upon completion, the results will be immediately emailed to you.
Are Your Attitudes Reducing Your Investment Returns?
Our minds can help us when it comes to matters of basic survival. Unfortunately, when it comes to making decisions with money our brains sabotage us. Fortunately, there are ways around this natural tendency. Want to learn more about how your behaviors may be impeding your financial success? Click here to take a brief 5 minute questionnaire. Upon completion, the results will be immediately emailed to you.
Working Hard vs. Addicted to Work
My quote in my high school yearbook was the same as my father’s: “Hard work fascinates me, I could sit and watch it all day.” While the nature of work continues to evolve over time, my fascination is with the individual worker and not the actual work. Being a workaholic is not the same as being a smart worker, a strategic and efficient worker, or a creative thinker. Too many entrepreneurs think that working more will lead to greater success, but this is not true — instead, it may lead to becoming obsessed with the work, rather than the results. …
Is Investing Gambling?
As someone who has worked on Wall Street for 30+ years, the answer for individual investors is yes. The individual investor is at an informational disadvantage. There is a reason Wall Street and successful fund managers have technology and data budgets in the tens of millions of dollars and pay their portfolio managers, security analysts, and programmers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. The gargantuan amount of information available through exchange tick data, news sources, social media, access to senior management, and financial statements is critical to making successful investment decisions. Professional investors using state of the art technology …
VIDEO: Goals and Dreams Are Powerful Motivators
Recovery teaches us “take one day at a time”. When we introduce goals and dreams into the conversation, we not only convey belief that long-term recovery will happen, we replace emotional purchases with purposeful spending.
The Language of Finance: Communication without Emotion
As parents, all we want for our child suffering with addiction is to make it stop. We will do anything to make the pain and suffering go away. If we are fortunate and our loved one begins their journey on the road to recovery, we desperately want to help them transition from becoming sober to living a sober life. We know what they need to do; if only they would listen! This is delicious irony. We want them to listen, and they want to be heard. In my experience the reason there is no communication is due to emotion. The …
The Various Forms of Financial Stress
As a financial professional dedicated to serving those families suffering from stress associated with addiction and recovery, I found the following information provided by Rick Kahler, MSFP, ChFC, CFP extremely helpful. The information he provides describes the multitude of ways people bring upon themselves financial stress and the role a financial advisor AND counselor such as myself can play in addressing these complex issues. Rick is a long-time advocate of blending financial planning with counseling, He has years of seeing the benefit for clients. Like Rick, I see financial counseling as an investment: one that can pay greater dividends than investments in a home, retirement …
The Link Between Anxiety and Sobriety
On September 30 – October 3 I attended the Moments of Change Conference in West Palm Beach Florida. This year the hot topic was Addiction Treatment Outcomes. I was fortunate to attend a presentation delivered by Joanna Conti, CEO of Vista Research Group, Inc. Right now, families looking to place a loved one in treatment have little evidence to guide them in evaluating one facility from another. Insurance covers a small percentage of the total cost of recovery. Most families must rely on anecdotal evidence or their own limited research to determine the best facility and modality. Costs can skyrocket …
Financial Rehabilitation: It’s All About the Conversation
This week I gave a financial awareness presentation to a group of young men and women in recovery at a renowned treatment program in Southern Florida. I quickly realized that everyone in the room had no idea what their parents were thinking or feeling about their being in treatment – then I thought back to my family’s situation years ago and remember having the exact same feelings and concerns. Empathy for this is what I think continues to allow the work I do to have an impact, I care because I understand. Over the course of his active addiction we …