Case Study: May I Ask You Your Age?

jacobtedCase Studies

Nancy is driven to succeed. Her fuel of choice is alcohol. She crashed and burned at age 40. 2 years later, she was working the AA program, met a fellow member Peter (1⁄2 her age), fell in love, married, and has stayed sober ever since. Now Susan is 80 and Peter is 60. Peter loves to take care of Nancy. And Nancy loves to be taken care of. It allows her to focus on her growing practice. Peter took care of the household. Until one day, Peter was involved in a terrible car accident and could no longer work. He …

Fight, divorce and depression with couple on sofa for conflict, therapy and mental health or marriage counseling. Sad, anxiety and stress with man and woman in living room for fail, crisis and angry

That’s What She Said

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

Have you ever gotten into a heated argument over an innocent comment you made? Now imagine what it must be like to have to make a major financial decision in that highly agitated frame of mind. Let us help you avoid what could be a costly mistake.

Happy Anniversary to Tutor Financial


It’s hard enough to know what the right thing to do is, never mind doing the right thing. It requires a strong moral compass, courage, and unwavering commitment. Isn’t that what you want from your financial advisor?

Paperwork Matters

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is stressful, painful, and expensive. Make sure you recognize the warning signs and obtain valid legal signatures before it is too late. 

The Power of a Visionary 

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

To transition from vision to action, you need a plan. Would you bet your retirement on the details and execution contained in your existing retirement plan? 

What Happened to my Hydrox Cookies? 

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

Growing up, I loved Hyrdox cookies and milk. According to Wikipedia,” the cookie’s creation was inspired by “purity and goodness”, with a name derived from the hydrogen and oxygen elements within the water molecule.”  For me, it was more than a snack; it was a ritual. Every day I would dunk the cookie until it got soggy. So many happy memories. And so many pounds.  Did you know that Oreo was created in 1912, 4 years after the launch of Hydrox?  During those young years, if Hydrox was a stock, I would have put all my money in it. As …

Verbal Sparring

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

When my wife and I started our business, we fought a lot. And we fought hard. We both wanted our venture to be successful. But damn, we couldn’t get 3 minutes into a discussion before the gloves came off. Every time we sat down to talk, ding, round 100. The winner is the last spouse standing. Something had to change. At my suggestion, we adopted a new approach to our discussion. Whenever the discussion becomes heated, either one of us calls out to Alexa to start a timer. The person who starts the timer then has the option to either: …

Diversification is Important

jacobtedCase Studies

Would you bet your entire retirement on the performance of one company? We all wish we bought Microsoft when it went public. But we never hear about the failures to launch. Building and preserving wealth requires a disciplined, long-term approach to investing. Learn about our approach here.

What We Think is Right is Not Necessarily So

jacobtedBehavioral Finance

Election day, 2008. On my way to vote, I unknowingly fell victim to a detached retina in my left eye. The damage was irreversible. As a result, I began to unconsciously adjust myself to accommodate my new reality. Soon I became unstable as my posture began to deteriorate. I became stoop-shouldered. My golf game, which was in no great shape to begin with, began to suffer; I was spraying the ball everywhere and lost 20 yards of distance. Frustrated, I started making more adjustments. They felt good for me. And my golf game started to improve. Briefly. I continued to …